Opiom Gallery, a new address for contemporary art
Opiom Gallery, a new address for contemporary art

Opiom Gallery, a new address for contemporary art

In all discretion, Opiom Gallery is opening its doors in Opio, 20 minutes from Cannes. At a crossroads between a museum, foundation and art-gallery, this ultra-contemporary showcase - enthroned in the midst of a luxuriant garden of 1,000 m2 - is designed to promote contemporary sculpture and photography. By Radia Amar

On September 27th, the doors of Opiom - a streamlined building designed by architect José Tauzia - will be opened to the public who will be able to discover an impressive collection of contemporary photography selected by the master of the house, Michaël Zingraf. A discerning collector for more than 25 years, he wanted a place dedicated to the two art-forms of which he is particularly fond : photography and sculpture. On two floors, the gallery benefits from special lighting ensuring that the photos are exposed to a minimum amount of UV rays, with 7-metre ceilings allowing for the largest works to be displayed. The inauguration of this new address will shed light on the gallery’s permanent artists, whose works are all shown exclusively in the region by Opiom, which also intends to hold a series of temporary exhibitions. “The first is scheduled from November 7th to December 5th : a retrospective of work by Adam Magyar,” says Eve Janprasert, who is in charge of programming.

Represented relatively rarely on the Côte d’Azur, cont­emporary photography will here find a showcase on a par with its international appeal. In exhibition space of 400 m2, fans, investors and collectors will be able to discover a discerning selection of works produced by various emerging or well-established artists, all sharing the desire to push back the conventional boundaries of their art. From Korea to the USA, from nudes to conceptual and digital art, the selection of photographs offers a panorama of contemporary creation. Guido Argentini and his silver nudes, David Bredin and his dramatic icons, Kim Joon and his tattooed bodies, Adam Magyar and his urban recreations... As for sculpture, the Opiom Gallery proposes works made of in­novative materials : steel, lacquered polyester... Originality is clearly on the programme.

Sculpture in wrought-iron by German artist Markus Schaller.
Sculpture in wrought-iron by German artist Markus Schaller.
Photo of a performance staged by Chinese artiste Zhu Ming. His dreamlike work emphasizes the ephemeral nature of mankind.
Photo of a performance staged by Chinese artiste Zhu Ming. His dreamlike work emphasizes the ephemeral nature of mankind.

Ecrit par
Radia Amar - 12 September 2013