Transparency : a key-word which governs all creations and stage-settings signed Baccarat. As exemplified by items designed by Thomas Bastide and Nicolas Triboulot, who make light of any difficulties through the constant use of their expertise, imagination, inventiveness and technical prowess. For these admirable vases are above all the expression of a form of science. “Passion” is striking for its simplicity, while the “Diva” line offers ethereal beauty. With “Océanie”, make way for the mystery of the Land of the Rising Sun, where everything is subtly veiled. Each object is designed to shed the limelight on flowers, bouquets, floral compositions…, providing a style and unsuspected dimensions for its contents, thanks to the poetic aura conveyed by its lines. Baccarat, from Jacques Andreolis, 8 rue Paradis, Nice (04 93 88 68 68).