Dedicated to the home

Dedicated to the home

Dedicated to the home

The opportunity couldn’t be missed to create an extension of Venulys in front of the existing store. The entity thus gains in strength. “Venulys Home is fully dedicated to the house,” confirms interior designer Christophe Samain. In an ambience of warm colours, one’s gaze alights on items unearthed in flea-markets, Parentesi Quadra and Porta Romana products, and Safretti’s very fashionable bio-ethanol hearth. Fans of authenticity will adore the Firelight Glass oil-lamp, and fashion victims will certainly be unable to resist the collection of ultra-trendy bags. A shop-cum-design office, Venulys Home is the ideal complement for Venulys. 8 rue Lecerf, Cannes (04 93 68 52 45).