Green for go

Green for go

Green for go

Taking care of a lawn involves a lot of work. It requires not only time but also energy : for mowing, watering, treating with the right weedkiller, trimming the edges… So what’s the solution for having a lovely, well-kept lawn without all these time-consuming constraints ? With synthetic Royal Grass ®, you can now take full advantage of your garden without being its slave while also saving a considerable amount of money in water consumption. You’ll no longer have to worry about moss which usually grows when your lawn is in the shade, nor changes in its colour caused by variations in the climate. You’ll not be concerned when your children use the lawn as their play area, as the resistance of Royal Grass has been successfully tested – and has an 8-year guarantee. Finally a product that will really change your life ! Royal Grass ®, 04 93 58 63 01 ou 06 07 02 17 12.