Iris Van Herpen au MAD

Iris Van Herpen au MAD

Iris Van Herpen au MAD

A pioneer in the use of new technologies in fashion, Dutch designer Iris van Herpen defies conventional standards in clothing. Ranging from micro to macro, the "Sculpting the Senses" exhibition questions the place of the body in space, its relationship to clothing and its environment, and its future in a rapidly changing world. A selection of over 100 pieces of "haute couture" by Iris Van Herpen enter into a dialogue with contemporary artworks such as those by Le Collectif Mé, Wim Delvoye and Jacques Rougerie, design creations by Ren Ri, Neri Oxman, Ferrucio Laviani, and pieces derived from natural sciences such as coral and fossils. Until April 28th, 2024. Jusqu’au 28 avril 2024. Musée des Arts Décoratifs. Paris 1er. 107, rue de Rivoli.