Soizick Martin places technology at the service of a forgotten practice. She works to order, asks lots of questions then helps you choose the photo that best reflects the mood of your home. The rest, printing, enlargement, need no description, no more than the pleasure that comes from the encounter between paint and metal... Soizick studied at the Beaux-Arts where she met Vincent Bioulès and Claude Viallat. From the first, she retains an obsession with care : “Paintings have to be protected, to resist the onslaughts of time”. From the second, she remembers paintings done with a sponge, a taste for repetition : she is also grateful to him for teaching her about colour. Colour ! That’s the key ! Soizick will certify that she produces yellow from red and green. Mischievously, she whispers that for her, gold, copper and bronze evoke things halfway between refinement and frivolity, probably inherited from her childhood in Morocco. As for blue, she says she fell into it... Matisse is to be blamed, and certainly Klein... To be continued on