Outdoor design

Outdoor design

Outdoor design

Joining the ranks… Emu, a prestigious Italian brand in the field of outdoor furniture, has just joined major names in the sector, already represented by Dehors. From furnishings to lighting and candles, not forgetting tableware, Dehors displays a wide array of products in its showroom opened two years ago in the little village of Eygalières. Sifas, Dedon, Matière Grise, VandeCasteele, Driade, Magis, but also the famous canvas “Butterfly” chair available in 14 colours, original lighting signed Jean Luc Ledeun, ceramic panels designed by Liza Pappon, Baobab candles, leather-covered items from Sol et Luna… Colourful, contemporary and playful, the collections are displayed in an area of 200 m2 offering its walls to photos by Vanina de Turkheim. Eric Guibbert welcomes private and professional clients, architects, decorators and landscapers... Rue des Ecoles, Eygalières (04 90 92 63 06 and dehors-design.com).