Prickly rendez-vous

Prickly rendez-vous

Prickly rendez-vous

If you are a fan of cacti or simply want to learn more about them, this is the address you’re looking for. And if you take the time to observe them and chat with the professionals on hand, you will discover lots of amazing things. For instance, what do you know about “crêtes” ? These living sculptures are in fact the result of an anomaly : the trunk of the plant splits into branches which flatten out instead of growing vertically. At Cactus Mania, these specimens are a real passion and you can see them in their early stages or as more spectacular plants, one metre tall. A nursery to be visited as if it were a museum. Cactus Mania, 140 Via Gallardi, Vintimille (00 39 01 84 33 003).