“Reine Mère (the Queen Mother), weary of her sumptuous palace, decided to dust off a few traditions. She called on two designers to propose new objects to cheer up her daily life.” The first, Stéphane Clivier, is a cabinet-maker by training, a designer by vocation. Remember the slingshot “XY” chair ? That was him ! The second, architect Didier Lachaize, had also started to produce unique pieces of furniture. Today, they work together on a line of small, practical items focusing on discretion and economical shapes, but also quality. We don’t need sumptuous decors or superfluous things. A clock has two hands, no need for more. The round photophore and soliflore in porcelain are not encumbered with any flourishes. Same goes for the rectilinear fruit basket and “Room Service”, a coffee-tray with its glass. A thin line between architecture and design ? Stéphane Clivier and Didier Lachaize will hardly disagree. Far from it ! www.reinemere.com