Tricopath fairy

Tricopath fairy

Tricopath fairy

Nice A 29 year-old stylist in Nice who inherited a love of knitting from her grandmother has just up-dated the cosy world of wool, knitting needles, garter stitch and balls of wool. Just when we thought all this paraphernalia had been relegated to the dungeons ! Well, no ! Emmanuelle Barrere was about 20 when she decided to revive this material as soft to caress as it is to wear. When not designing 100 % pure wool clothing with matching, off-beat accessories (rings, bracelets, Mac covers…) under the name of Emmanuelle Esther, she turns into Ema Tricopathe to set her stamp on furniture. Feminine tags all in provocative knit-and-purl which, already victims of their success, are snapped up as fast as they appear. A new kind of "street art" which is all the rage in the USA where Lolitas, addicts of these new kinds of needles, devote themselves to “knitta please” : a few grams of softness in a very tough world.