Real gems of apartments in Paris
Real gems of apartments in Paris

Real gems of apartments in Paris

Exalting atmospheres, outsize living space, highly sophisticated decor : the tone is set ! Without standing on formality, these apartments achieve the summum of elegance through interior decor calibrated down to the tiniest detail, the epitome of chic. A self-assertive style unveiling freely flowing atmospheres of rare and highly desirable beauty.

In a city bearing the stamp of history, dreams and the sumptuousness of the greatest centuries, designers and interior architects set the scene in apartments offering unclassifiable decor. Paris dares to offer the height of luxury, acknowledging its stylishness behind carriage gates hiding a myriad of treasures. Such is the case of Gérard Faivre, creator of the “Art Homes” concept proposing luxurious apartments ready to move in. He shares his definition of “exceptional” : “What is exceptional for one person is not exceptional for someone else. It’s not necessarily something very expensive or very beautiful : exceptional decor is above all harmonious decor. For me, it’s also the idea of respecting the history of a neighbourhood or a building, steeping oneself in an era, an atmosphere. In Haussmann apartments, you have to preserve their soul and re-embellish them : moulded ceilings, fireplaces, parquet floors... Rehabilitating old features and allowing them to melt into a contemporary world is one way of envisaging the exceptional. I see the entrance hall as being of utmost importance, it has to be sublimely enhanced, it’s the first contact you have with an apartment. I immediately set out here the idea of a world apart. Nowadays, exceptional decor goes hand-in-hand with extreme comfort provided by the furnishings, materials, fabrics, but also by home automation and other amenities making everyday life much easier (conciergerie service, air conditioning, soundproofing...). The apartments I decorate are like works of art, designed to be unique and proposed ready to move in : they must always be a matter of love at first sight. That’s why I never allow myself to reproduce the same decor, so that it remains unique. What one can see from one’s windows is also sometimes part of the exceptional, and Paris offers breathtaking views and panoramas. Paris is, in fact, an exceptional city !”...

Marked by Baron Haussmann’s architecture, Paris contains apartments in all of its arrondissements which cleverly reconcile different eras and styles to come up with something exceptional. According to Frédérique Verrier-Pytel, manageress of the Barnes 16e agency : “The exceptional nature of the “decoration” of some very fine Haussmann apartments in the 16th arrondissement very often relies on a subtle blend of their old character with moulded ceilings, parquet floors and fireplaces, with a highly contemporary style. This association gives a feeling of comfort and stylish living, in a practical, streamlined environment. Whether it’s a top-floor apartment in a building with a terrace offering an unimpeded view of the city’s iconic monuments, a private mansion with lofty volumes, or a garden-level apartment, Paris offers a wide array of exceptional properties associating esthetics, well-being and the fine art of living. By perfectly mastering interior volumes and the choice of enhanced raw materials (steel, stone, wood, concrete…) while paying close attention to the tiniest details and the quality of the finishing touches, contemporary architects and decorators create refined homes which are easy to live in and appeal not only to a French but also an international clientele. Often relegated in the past to the end of the hallway, the kitchen is now found in the centre of the living space, thus becoming the cornerstone of the home. It combines all the elements of modernity and technology required to meet current needs and a constant concern for “beauty”. If I had to sum up the exceptional… It’s the ability to preserve a home’s authenticity elegantly and harmoniously, while endowing it with the practical aspects required for today’s way of life”.

On Avenue Foch in the 16th arrondissement, this beautiful family apartment of 358 m2 in perfect condition opens out to a vast garden of 160 m2. It offers five main rooms including three bedrooms with their own bathrooms, and a workshop of 85 m2 in the basement. 4.750.000 €. Emile Garcin Paris rive Droite (01 58 12 02 02).
On Avenue Foch in the 16th arrondissement, this beautiful family apartment of 358 m2 in perfect condition opens out to a vast garden of 160 m2. It offers five main rooms including three bedrooms with their own bathrooms, and a workshop of 85 m2 in the basement. 4.750.000 €. Emile Garcin Paris rive Droite (01 58 12 02 02).
This superb 1930’s mansion in Passy offers magnificent volumes in living space of 350 m2 on three floors and a roof terrace with swimming pool. Designed by architect Olivier Lempereur, the property is a model of good taste in all its rooms, benefiting from top-notch appointments and equipment. A box-garage completes the property. 5.800.000 €. Barnes 16e (01 53 65 80 80)
This superb 1930’s mansion in Passy offers magnificent volumes in living space of 350 m2 on three floors and a roof terrace with swimming pool. Designed by architect Olivier Lempereur, the property is a model of good taste in all its rooms, benefiting from top-notch appointments and equipment. A box-garage completes the property. 5.800.000 €. Barnes 16e (01 53 65 80 80)
In a 19th-C. Haussmann building a stone’s throw from the Assemblée Nationale, this sublime apartment basks in wonderful light thanks to its 11 windows giving onto a balcony running the length of the apartment. It is comprised of three bedrooms with their own bathrooms and walk-in closets. Crowned by a winter garden, the property also benefits from a cellar and parking place. Prix entre 7 et 8 M €. Concept Art Homes (01 40 48 29 70).
In a 19th-C. Haussmann building a stone’s throw from the Assemblée Nationale, this sublime apartment basks in wonderful light thanks to its 11 windows giving onto a balcony running the length of the apartment. It is comprised of three bedrooms with their own bathrooms and walk-in closets. Crowned by a winter garden, the property also benefits from a cellar and parking place. Prix entre 7 et 8 M €. Concept Art Homes (01 40 48 29 70).

By combining practicality and magic, technology and poetry, audacity and esthetics, Parisian apartments are little worlds apart, open to different eras and exoticism. Non-conformist, they can be found in unusual settings and invite art inside their walls, as emphasized by Nathalie Garcin, CEO of the Emile Garcin group : “Some time ago, we sold a town house in Saint Germain which had once been a convent. It had an amazing room with a vaulted ceiling and a floor laid with magnificent old red tiles. Behind this idea of “exceptional”, there is something slightly crazy which can be derived from the place itself, its volumes, a view, but also art, which has an important place. A painting or sculpture add soul to a room and attest to the character of a home’s interior. In this respect, very personal decor that reflects the owners’ personality is often very interesting. I am thinking in particular of Kenzo’s house in Bastille : a real Japanese home, sublime, basking in tranquillity, with a Japanese garden and indoor pool. Then there’s the Hôtel Lambert nestling at the tip of the Ile Saint-Louis, a legendary place with remarkable architecture and decor, which has hosted sumptuous parties. Former workshops, old convents and ga­rages... Paris boasts a very rich architectural heritage allowing for many esthetic variations and irresistible follies !”.

Ecrit par
Sandra Serpero - 11 September 2015