Prestigious 5-stars hotels in Paris
Prestigious 5-stars hotels in Paris

Prestigious 5-stars hotels in Paris

The capital holds France’s record for 5-star hotels : 56 in all, including eight boasting the “Palace” distinction. On the menu : gastronomic restaurants, fairy-tale spas, spearhead amenities, unlimited conciergerie service, enchantment for all five senses.

Many hotels constantly strive to polish the excellent level of their services. They face ruthless competition to satisfy an international clientele used to impeccable facilities, not forgetting Parisians in search of fresh experiences in new or transformed establishments. The most luxurious and inventive hotels create or redesign the ambiance in their restaurants, dream up trendy formulas for lunch, brunch, dinner, or romantic weekends, calling on top international cosmetics firms to revamp their spas. Each day sees something new in the City of Light !

Ecrit par
Radia Amar. - 29 October 2014