Fast-track eateries
Fast-track eateries

Fast-track eateries

Don’t waste precious time at lunch ! But don’t skip eating either !

Don’t waste time at lunchtime ! But don’t skip eating either ! Cécile Olivéro points you in the right direction…

It’s become a habit : no-one spends hours any more over lunch. Because time is precious, and also because the evening meal has become the day’s main culinary experience. We thus devote 30 minutes minimum to lunch, 60 minutes at most, though not eating just anything. Especially not “just anything”. And the setting has become as important as what’s on our plates. In Cannes, two addresses deserve our custom. Simplicité for its Parisian bistrot feel, O’Tchan for its Zen-like atmosphere. The first has gone for the total look with bistrot tables, a medley of chairs, Southern table settings and cuisine : stuffed Niçois vegetables, rabbit, Spanish cold cuts…, all prepared by cooks from Mantel. No surprises at O’Tchan, where Ernest takes credit for the pastries and bread rolls.

The soul of Italy at the heart of Nice… and on your plate. Le Local, today’s much talked-about address with a grocery that’s also highly appreciated. You can have a quick lunch semi-gastronomic style. Well worth trying at Le 555.
The soul of Italy at the heart of Nice… and on your plate. Le Local, today’s much talked-about address with a grocery that’s also highly appreciated. You can have a quick lunch semi-gastronomic style. Well worth trying at Le 555.
Very much in vogue, Le Café Rouge proposes a multitude of sandwiches based on different types of bread rolls.
Very much in vogue, Le Café Rouge proposes a multitude of sandwiches based on different types of bread rolls.
O’Tchan, a name recalling Japan for lunch in a soothing Zen atmosphere, with cuisine that is trendy, chic and really good, made in Ernest !
O’Tchan, a name recalling Japan for lunch in a soothing Zen atmosphere, with cuisine that is trendy, chic and really good, made in Ernest !

In Antibes, close to the ramparts and yacht harbour, you can’t miss L’Endroit, the latest in-place with its “design“ deco and furnishings and a mixed bag of devotees. In just a quarter-of-an-hour, you can treat yourself to a sandwich (hot or cold) washed down with a glass of wine. Or opt for the lunchtime formula, which changes often depending on market fare. In Nice, the choice is vast. The latest address where you can pop in anytime is Le Local. At mid-day, professional people rub shoulders with advertising executives and the happy few. You fill your plate with Italian goodies or order the day’s special, and in less than 45 minutes you’re back in your Smart or 4WD, on your way to your first appointment of the afternoon. Equally trendy, Le 555 and Café Rouge share a preference for the colour of fiery passion… In a chic version for Le 555, where Carlos, who can’t stand grease, cooks fish in a steam oven and vegetables in the wok. No stomach cramps to be feared for the second part of the day ! At Le Café Rouge, just one (daily) suggestion, but a wide choice of sophisticated sandwiches on bread with olives, walnuts etc., enhanced by a variety of fresh ingredients and a good selection of hearty salads. For fans of wine-bars, Le Tono offers an attractive new decor, new (fusion) cuisine and a new ambiance. Don’t expect to savour a plate of “tapas” for lunch, they’re only available evenings. Choose instead from smoked salmon with horseradish sauce, treats based on Asian herbs or from South America. Conclusion : fast-track eateries can be finger-lickin’ good !


Café Rouge, 7 rue Paul-Déroulède, Nice (04 93 82 04 42). Daily special : 10 €. Salads from 5 €. L’Endroit, 29 rue Aubernon, Antibes (04 97 21 14 10). Lunch : 11 €. Le Local, 4 rue Rusca, Nice (04 93 14 08 29). Lunch : from 9 €. Le Tono, 18 avenue Georges-Clémenceau, Nice (04 93 87 84 17). From 8 to 20 €. Le 555, 16 rue Maréchal-Foch, Nice (04 93 88 48 74). Daily special : 11 €. O’Tchan, 4 rue Félix-Faure, Cannes (04 93 39 16 37). « Goût du jour » : 15 €. Simplicité, 5 rue Jean-Daumas, Cannes (04 93 68 27 40). Lunchtime formula: 15 €.

By Cécile Olivéro - photos : E. Andreotta.