New in the Latin quarter

New in the Latin quarter

New in the Latin quarter

Between the Luxembourg Gardens and Place du Panthéon, the majestic Hôtel André Latin stands at the very heart of the Latin quarter. Redecorated throughout by interior architect Michaël Malapert, this address flaunts a “dandyesque” look in homage to André, the owners’ grandfather and a famous 19th-century dandy. The hotel now proposes a cocktail bar where “homemade” concoctions prepared by head barmaid Marie Picard, with or without alcohol, are served from 4 p.m. with a “nibbles” menu designed for “apéros dînatoires” to share with friends. Hôtel André Latin, 50 rue Gay-Lussac, Paris 5 (01 43 54 76 60).