Le Meurice 180th anniversary

Le Meurice 180th anniversary

Le Meurice 180th anniversary

On the occasion of its 180th anniversary, Le Meurice has come up with an original proposal for a 180° discovery of Paris. This palatial hotel places a chauffeur-driven limousine at its guests’ disposal for a full eight hours. On the agenda, a night-time tour of the capital’s loveliest streets, then a stylish experience to while away the night at hand-picked addresses such as Le Café Chic, Le Perchoir, Le Speak Easy, Le Carmen, Le Titty Twister or, more traditionally, Chez Régine, Chez Castel or the VIP Room. Le Meurice, 228 rue de Rivoli, Paris 1 (01 44 58 10 10).