Legal information is an Internet version of the magazine

Résidences Immobilier

Groupe SMC (Stratégie Média Conseil)

455, Promenade des Anglais - Les Portes de L'Arenas B - 06200 Nice FRANCE

Tél +33 (0) 493 721 188 - Fax +33 (0) 493 720 425

Electronic data and personal liberties

In compliance with the law of January 6th 1978 relating to IT, data and personal liberties, the website has been declared to the "Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés" (CNIL). Attribution number pending.

In conformity with Article 34 of the law on "Informatique et Libertés" N° 78-17 dated January 6th 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data. You can exercise this right by sending an e-mail to the address, or by mail to the address above.


The entire Résidences Immobilier website is subject to French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including those for iconographic and photographic documents.

Any reproduction, even partial, of this website is strictly forbidden without authorization from the company SMC France.

Legal notices is published by Exclusive Média, an SAS with a capital of 11,501,000 €, whose head office is at 455, Promenade des Anglais - Les Portes de L'Arenas B - 06200 Nice FRANCE, listed on the commercial register of companies in Nice, under the number B 534 104 344. The Director of the Publication and Editorial Production is Mr. Eric Bernt, and the website is hosted by Tas-France 15 Traverse des Brucs - 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - France - Siren 382 525 541 - Tel. +33 (0) 825 56 34 00. REP papiers graphiques : FR232353_01BIJM.

Managing cookies

When you consult websites belonging to the Stratégie Média Conseil group, cookies appear on your computer, cell phone or tablet.

Our websites are designed to be particularly attentive to the needs and expectations of their users. Which is why, among other reasons, we use cookies to allow you to share our content on social networks, for example, and personalise the content we propose.

This section will provide you with a clearer understanding of how cookies work, and how to use the tools available in order to set their parameters.

What is a cookie ?

The term cookies should be taken in its widest sense. It covers all the trackers (pixel tags, bugs, web storage etc...) installed and/or read when consulting a website, for instance, a mobile application or an advertisement.

For the sake of convenience, we use the term « cookie » to cover all these technologies.

A cookie is a piece of information installed on your hard disk by the website server or a mobile application that you visit, or during consultation of an advertisement.

It contains several items of information :

  • the name of the server that installed it ;
  • an identifier in the form of a unique number ;
  • possibly an expiry date...

These items of information are sometimes stored on your computer or smartphone in a simple text file which is accessed by the server to read and record information.

Cookies are particularly intended to gather information on your surfing activity on websites, and to send you personalised services.

On your computer, cookies are managed by your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome...).

These cookies may be Stratégie Média Conseil cookies or cookies from our partners, third-party companies, used to identify your centres of interest and personalise advertising which is sent to you on or outside our websites.

They can be installed when you surf our websites or when you click on advertising spaces on our site.

We have no control over cookies installed by these partners, who act on their own behalf.

We take care to see that partner companies agree to treat the information gathered in conformity with our instructions, in observance of the Informatique et Libertés law passed on January 6, 1978, modified, and that they undertake to implement appropriate measures for the security and protection of the confidential nature of such information.

What are the various types of cookies used on our websites ?

Differents types of cookies are used on our websites, with different purposes. Some are necessary for you to be able to use our websites.

Cookies which are strictly necessary

These cookies are required to ensure that our websites actually function. They enable you to use the main functionalities of our sites. Without these cookies, you will not be able to use our websites normally. They are cookies installed by Stratégie Média Conseil which solely concern the functioning of our websites.

Analytical cookies

These are cookies enabling us to learn about the use and performance of our websites, and to improve the way they function (the pages most frequently consulted, for example...).

They are mainly Stratégie Média Conseil cookies.

Advertising cookies

These cookies are used to display advertisements or send you information suited to your centres of interest on our websites or outside our sites when you surf the Internet. They are used in particular to limit the number of times you see an advertisment, and help to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Disabling advertising cookies has no effect on the use of our websites. However, the fact of disabling advertising cookies will not lead to cessation of the advertisement on our websites nor on the Internet.

It will only have the effect of displaying advertising which does not take your preferences or centres of interest into account.

These cookies are mostly third-party cookies.

They are mainly issued by advertising companies. We canot list them exhaustively.

How do you enable or disable cookies ?

You can, at all times, decide to disable these cookies by setting your Internet browser.

We remind you that setting is likely to modify your conditions of access to our services requiring the use of cookies. If your browser is configured to refuse all types of cookies, you will not be able to access your personalised space for the département you are interested in, for example.

Most browsers allow you to manage your favourite cookies. You can set your browser to refuse or efface certain cookies. You can usually also manage similar technologies the same way, by using your favourite browsers.

The following links will show you how to manage cookies depending on the browser :

If you use the Internet Explorer browser :

If you use the Firefox browser :

If you use the Safari browser :

If you use the Google Chrome browser :

For further information, you can consult the CNIL website at the following address :
